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All but green.

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Q: What color are absorbed by a green leaf?
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What color is absorbed by a green leaf?


When you look at a green leaf why do you see the color green?

a leaf look green in sunlight as it has green colored pigment in it. When sunlight falls on it all other colors are absorbed by the leaf as sunlight forphotosynthesis and green color is reflected to our eyes and the leaf look green to us.

Is the color of a leaf light relfected or light absorbed?

White light form the sun is made up of :-Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet colored light (as you see in a rainbow)When this white light hits a leaf, all the colors exceptGreen are absorbed by the pigments in the leaf. The Green light is not absorbed and this is reflected to your eyes so that leaves appear green.

What color of light is not absorbed by plants?

green the pigments absorb every color in the light spectrum but green.

What color wavelengths are absorbed during photosynthesis?

The green color is being absorbed

What is a varigated leaf?

A varigated leaf is a leaf that has more than one color, like green and white. a leaf that has color aside from green

Why leaves are green in colour?

colour of the leaf:The color of the leaf is green because as we all know that the leaf has chloroplasts in it, the chlorophyll in the chloroplasts absorbs the colors like red and blue range, but the color green is least absorbed by the chlorophyll, other absorbed colors vanish after being absorbed but the least absorbed colors like green are reflected off the surface of the leaf, because of which we can see the leaf as colored green. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------The green color in leaves is caused by the presence of a compound called "chlorophyll," which the plant produces to do photosynthesis, which is how plants get energy from sunlight. The purpose of chlorophyll is to assist the plant in making food for itself by utilizing energy from sunlight and nutrients from the soil.The chlorophyll is green because it absorbs red and blue wavelengths of light -- and so green is not absorbed and is reflected, making the plant look green to your eyes. Non-transparent things are the color they are because that is the color that is NOT absorbed -- the color you see is the color that is reflected... which is why you see it!There are two basic ways by which we can see colors. Either an object can directly emit light waves in the frequency of the observed color, or an object can absorb all other frequencies, reflecting back to your eye only the light wave, or combination of light waves, that appears as the observed color. For example, to see a yellow object, either the object is directly emitting light waves in the yellow frequency, or it is absorbing the blue part of the spectrum and reflecting the red and green parts back to your eye, which perceives the combined frequencies as yellow.

What color is not absorbed by chloroplast?

Green light is not absorbed by plants, but is reflected.

Is light reflected or absorbed when it hits leafs?

It is both absorbed and reflected. since light is made of: red,orange,yellow,,indigo,and violet all the colors except whatever color the leaf is, is absorbed and the color of the leaf reflected.

What is the color of leaf imprint?


Which color is not used by green plants?

all colors are absorbed from the light except the color green, which makes them that color

What is the color of a typical tree leaf?
