

What color are the 8 planets?

Updated: 12/5/2022
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Q: What color are the 8 planets?
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8. Funny how you phrase it "your solar system"

What do the 8 planets orbit in?

The 8 planets orbit around the Sun, in ellipses.

How many planets are ther?

There are 8 planets.

What consists of 8 planets and a sun?

Our solar system consists of 8 planets and the sun, plus 5 dwarf planets and thousands of minor planets.

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Neptune and Uranus are both bluish in color.

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8 planets orbit the sun

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There were 9 planets.

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What is the rhyme for the 8 planets?

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8 equals p in the S s?

Literally, it says 8 is the planets in the Solar system. What that means is that there are 8 planets in the solar system.

Are there 8 planets from the sun?

There are eight true planets in our solar system.

What star has to most planets circling it?

The sun, with 8 known planets