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It is not the beak that use to tell the gender. The cere above the beak at 6 months will normally turn dark on a males but not a females

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Q: What color beak does a female parakeet have?
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What is the color of a boy parakeet?

A male parakeet has a blue nose above its beak.

How is parakeet boy or girl?

usually a male parakeet has a gray beak and a female has a blue or orange,which really doesnt matter because the orange can be for both but usually a female

How do know a male from a female parakeet?

On the parakeet is a colored patch above the beak (cere); in males light to dark blue and female pinkish to tan, or brown if breeding; immature of both sexes are pinkish to pinkish blue.

What can you do if a parakeet has a beak bleeding?

u have to take ur parakeet to the vet

What color is a male parakeet's nose?

Presuming that 'parakeet' means budgie, even though there is actually no species known as a parakeet, the cere, which is the part above a budgies's beak where their nostrils are, is bright blue on a mature male budgie.

What does it mean when your parakeets beak changes color?

That's normal. A parakeet's cere usually changes color after a year which is how you determine its gender. If I'm answering your question right, the "beak" you are refering to is the fleshy part above the beak. If the beak (yellow-ish-orange-ish keratin area) is changing color, you should take him/her to the vet.

What kind of beak does the green parakeet has?

The kinda beak that a blue parkett dose not has :-)))

Can a parakeet eat if it has halfway beak?


How tall does a parakeet get?

The average parakeet is about nine inches, from the tip of its tail to the tip of its beak.

How do you tell if a parakeet a boy or girl?

The male (Boy) parakeets have a BLUE nose/cere (right above the beak) and females have a PINK or BROWN nose/cere, and babies are white, purple or in between so you will not be a ble to tell until they are older. you can google it just tipe in "Pictures of male parakeet" and when that comes up google "female parakeet pictures" and you should see what they look like

If a parakeet is green and yellow is it a girl or a boy?

No. In parakeets the color of the feathers is not how to tell the sex of a bird. The area where the birds nostrils are is how you tell the sex of a parakeet. If this area is a greenish or blueish it is a male. If this area is a light tan or pinkish it is a female.

What if a parakeet has a little bit of blue ond his or hers beak and the rest of the beak is wight?

means that it is a male