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Q: What color do you become when you are very cold?
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because ice is cold and hail is ice

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Is there any other information regarding the reason your lips become very chapped and turn dark in color?

Does the rainforest become cold at night?

no, it does not but it does get very cool and can reach 0 degrees.

Does Solar eclipse have an effect on humans?

yes,it will become very cold and dark

Why does skin become rough in winter?

because in winter the climate is very cold.

What should you do when your feet are very very cold?

normally they will turn purple or even pink or red it depends on your skin color

What is the color of nucleoplasm?

The nucleoplasm is transparent, therefore it has no color. But, if you want to cold it, I would use a very light shade of yellow, pink or orange.

Are deserts ever cold?

yes, deserts can become very cold, and in some cases may even drop below freezing

Why does your reaction time become slower when your hands are very cold?

Cold temperatures reduce blood flow which reduces the function of the hands.

What color is a fish before dying?

Most fish get very light colored when stressed, but some become very dark. Basically, a drastic color change indicates a problem.