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If mixing paint or ink, you get red, but why don't you try it and see?

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Mixing yellow and magenta creates the color red.

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Q: What color do you get if you mix the color yellow and magenta?
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What colour do you get when you mix magenta and yellow?

When you mix magenta and yellow, you get red in the subtractive color model (used in printing and painting). This is because magenta is a shade of red, and yellow mixed with it intensifies the red tones.

If you mix magenta and yellow what do you get?

Mixing magenta and yellow together will create the color red. Magenta and yellow are primary colors that can be combined to produce a secondary color, which in this case is red.

Opaque magenta appears to be what color under yellow light?

Under yellow light, opaque magenta will appear as a deep purple or burgundy color. The yellow light will mix with the magenta to create a darker and more subdued hue.

What color do magenta and yellow make?

Magenta and yellow combine to make red.

What color do red light and green light form?

Brown. Here's why. Green is a combination of yellow and cyan (aka blue). Red is close to magenta; it is magenta with a little yellow mixed in. Thus green + red is a combination of all three primary colors: magenta, yellow and cyan. The combination would thus lead to a brownish color, since browns are what you tend to get when you mix all three primary colors. Short primer. Magenta, yellow and cyan (blue) are primary colors. Orange is an equal mix of magenta and yellow. Green is an equal mix of yellow and cyan. Red is a mix of orange and magenta.

What color magenta and yellow make?

Magenta and yellow make RED Color

What colors make magenta?

Magenta is a primary color; you can't mix other colors together to create it. The three true primary colors are: Magenta Cyan Yellow These correspond to the old color wheel designations of Red, Blue and Yellow.

What color would be observed if magenta and yellow light were added together?

The color observed would be red. Magenta is a combination of red and blue light, while yellow is a combination of red and green light. When magenta and yellow light are added together, the red components mix to create the observed red color.

What color do you see when you mix red and blue and then shine a green light on it?

When you mix red and blue, you get magenta. When you shine a green light on magenta, the green light will be absorbed by the magenta, resulting in a dark color or black, depending on the intensity of the green light.

What is the complementary colors of magenta and yellow?

The complimentary color of magenta is green. The complimentary color of yellow is blue. :-)

What color does yellow and magenta make?

Yellow and magenta combine to make red.

Mix with what colors to produce red?

Red is a primary color. You can't mix other colors to make red.