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The color spectrum in order of increasing frequency (that also means decreasing band width) is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet. So red is the lowest visible frequency. Below that is called infrared and the color with a frequency greater than violet is called ultraviolet. Neither infrared nor ultraviolet is visible to the human eye although there may be other animals that are able to detect them.

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Q: What color has a lower frequency of visible light in the electromagnetic spectrum?
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Related questions

What part of the electromagnetic spectrum is color?

The so called visible spectrum. (from red [low frequency] to violet [high frequency].

What color of the visible light portion of the electromagnetic spectrum has the highest frequency and the most energy?

Red, I believe.

Which color of the visible light portion of the electromagnetic spectrum has the lowest frequency and the lowest energy?

Red light.

What is the color spectrum made of?

The color spectrum is made from all the wavelengths of visible light, with red at the lowest frequency and violet at the highest frequency that can be seen. Visible light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum that also includes radio and microwaves up to X-rays and gamma rays.

Which color of light in the visible spectrum has the highest energy?

Photons with higher energy correspond to electromagnetic radiation with higher frequency/shorter wavelength. In the visible band, the color with the highest frequency is the last one you can see on the VIOLET end of the spectrum.

What color of light in the visible spectrum has the highest frequency?

The highest frequency/shortest wavelength of visible light isthe last color you can see on the blue end of the spectrum.

Can humans detect visible light?

Answer is simply yes , human eyes is only sensitive to the visible light at the electromagnetic spectrum , however there is a different in wavelength and the frequency depending on the color of the visible light

What color of the visible light spectrum moves at a fast frequency?

The highest frequency of visible light is violet.

Which color has the lowest frequency on the visible-light spectrum?


What determines color order of visible light in the electromagnetic spectrum?

The colours are determined by the wavelengths of the light. How they are perceived depends on the brain interpreting the signals from the retina.

What is the chemical compound for pink?

This does not exist. The color pink, is a specific frequency range in the electromagnetic spectrum of visible light. Various chemical compounds exist which reflect this frequency range, and appear pink as a result.

Which color registers the highest frequency shortest wave length?

Of the visible light spectrum, that would be blue light.