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Jerome's medal is silver.

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Q: What color is Jerome medal in GATTACA?
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Related questions

What did Eugene earn a medal in in the movie 'Gattaca'?

Jerome had the perfect genes for swimming but only received a silver medal.

What physical changes did Vincent make to become Jerome in the move GATTACA?

eye color tallness hair color

In the movie gattaca why was Vincent pretending to be jerome marrow?

Vincent is considered an in-valid. Jerome is a valid. Vincent needed Jerome's genes to work at Gattaca.

Who is eugene in gattaca?

Jude Law as Jerome Eugene Morrow in Gattaca

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Who is Ethan's gattaca co-star?

The movie Gattaca stars Ethan Hawke as Vincent "Jerome Morrow" Freemen, Jude Law as Jerome "Eugene" Morrow, and Uma Thurman as Irene Cassini. Alan Arkin is a publicized actor in Gattaca; however, it is purely for publicity purposes, as his role as Detective Hugo is a minor one.

In the gattaca movie Describe the relationship between Anton and Vincent?

jerome is a sick name bro! kg

When did Jerome morrow die gattaca?

Jerome dies after Vincent goes into space and after he supplies him with more than a lifetimes supply of everything he will need to keep his identity a secret. Jerome goes into the incinerator where Vincent burns all of his skin and hair samples before going to work. He sits in the incinerator and then burns himself to death, sitting in the incinerator with his Olympic silver medal for swimming.

What does Irene leave behind at the club where she and Jerome are dancing in gattaca?

Irene left her ring behind on their dining table.

Why does Vincent stage the accident with the doctor in GATTACA?

Because otherwise his blood would be taken as invalid, he switched it with jerome's blood

Why does Vincent in Gattaca leave home?

Vincent leaves home in Gattaca because he dreams of becoming an astronaut, but he is genetically inferior and has a heart condition. He believes he can achieve his dream by assuming the identity of Jerome, a genetically superior athlete. Leaving home and taking on Jerome's identity allows Vincent to deceive the authorities and pursue his ambition.

What ultimately happened to Anton in gattaca?

***MAJOR SPOILER***At the end of Gattaca, Jerome Eugene Morrow committed suicide. He managed to climb into the furnace where Vincent Freedman had burned his (Vincent's) cells and turned it on, thus killing himself and destroying all evidence that there was more than one Jerome Morrow.