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Q: What color is a female anglerfish?
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Can you tell an anglerfish male from a female?

Yes , the female is significantly larger than the male .

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Anglerfish bones, anglerfish skin and a anglerfish personality.

Named for the way it catches prey what fish mates by having the tiny male literally absorbed into the much larger female?


Information about anglerfish?

Anglerfish are generally the size of coffee mugs, about 1 foot long or less, although, some are up to a meter in length and up to 110 lbs. Females have characteristics the male does not. For one, females are larger and they lure in their prey in an especially unique way. Above the mouth, she has a long piece of dorsal spine extruding, ending in a small bulb of bioluminescent light. Anglerfish mate by the male latching his teeth into the female's backside. He slowly begins to fuse with the female. Soon the entire male is inside of the female except for the testicles. He then releases sperm into his mate.

What is the name of the fish that has light in its head naturally?

is a species of angler fish.

How does bacteria help the anglerfish catch its food?

The anglerfish has stem attached to the tip of its head with a small mass of glowing bacteria on the end which lures fish into the anglerfish thinking its a smaller fish but they soon find out its a trap and get snapped up by the anglerfish.

Where is the habitat for deep sea anglerfish?

All oceans that are deep is were the Anglerfish lives

What is the highth of an anglerfish?


Where do you get an anglerfish?

at the bottom of the ocean

What animal's head has a built in fishing rod?

The animal that has a built in fishing rod on its head is the female anglerfish. The tip of the rod glows as a natural lure so she can attract food.

What color is a female dwarf frog?

A brownish color

Where is the anglerfish located?

North America