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Q: What color is the golden pison dart frog?
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What is the biggest poison dart frog?

The biggest species of poison dart frog is Phyllobates terribilis, at up to 3 inches long.

What continent does the golden poison dart frog live?

the golden frog's native habitat is in the rain forest of Panama, but it is rarly seen anymore within their native home. Sorry, most sources I've read place the golden poison dart frog in Columbia. i.e. Wikipedia, national geographic, etc Phyllobates terribilis, the Golden Poison Frog or the Golden Dart Frog, is a poison dart frog endemic to the Pacific coast of Colombia.

What does the golden dart frog eat?

fruit flies

What eats a golden dart frog?

nothing it is non threatened

What is the world deadliest amphibian?

1 poison dart frog(golden)2 poison dart frog(blue)3 poison dart frog(red)4 poison dart frog(pink)5 poison dart frog(green)6 cane toad 7 fire belly toad

What group does a golden poison dart frog come under?

Same as any other frog

What is the most poisonest animal in the world?

The Golden pousin dart frog

What is the most dangerous amphibian?

The poison arrow frog is the most poisonous amphibian in the world.

What is the purpose of the blue color of the poison dart frog?

Any bright color on a frog is a warning: danger, I am poisonous!

Why is the golden poison dart frog yellow?

cause god made them that what i guess

What are sleeping habits for a golden poison dart frog?

Poison dart frogs are diurnal, which means they generally sleep at night.

Where does the blue poison dart frog live?

Golden poison dart frogs live in the pacific coast Columbia