

What color is the surface of the sun?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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12y ago

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It is white colour,all the colours of VIBGYOR have been in the white colour,we know when white light passed through prism,it shows the split up of white light into seven colours,sun light is white. ---- Sunlight is not white, though it does contain a quantity of every colour we can see. What we perceive as colour depends on many things and is quite subjective. In one context the same object can appear (for example) yellow, green, grey or white. However if we ignore the subjective experience of colour, we can measure the colour of light objectively. One of the systems we use to measure colour is by comparing the relative strengths of the red, blue and green components of light. (These are the only colours we can actually see; all colours are described by our eyes to our brains in these terms.) White light would have equal components of red, green and blue, but sunlight does not.
the colour of sun light is white

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Human eyes can see only a small part of the light energy sent out by the sun. The wavelengths of light determine the color. All wavelengths are present in sunlight, so there are infinite colors in sunlight. We divide those into 7 categories, but most people can see the difference in light of almost the same wavelength. The 7 colors are: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet. You can remember these with the letters in the made-up name Roy B. Giv.


As many as you define. R O Y G B I V is inherited form a time when people were trying to define colour, and picked the "magical" number 7 as the number there had to be.

In practice, Blue, Indigo and Violet are just progressively deeper shades of *blue*. We don't apply the same distinction to Red (browny red, blood red, pink).

As well, there is one colour in the rainbow that *no-one* seems to have noticed, it's Cyan (green-blue), one of the colours used in colour printing.

So we would have Red, Orange, Green, Cyan, Blue.

Or we could have browny red, red, blood red, red-orange, orange, orange-yellow, yellow-green, cyan, cyan-ish blue, blue, deep blue.

Or any finer division you like.

Short answer? There are as many colour as you choose to define. The visible spectrum is *continuous* and our application of "colour names" is a convenience that does not exist in reality.

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12y ago

all the colors of the rainbow or the main 6

  • red
  • orange
  • yellow
  • green
  • blue
  • indigo/purple

white is not one because according to color theory white light is the equal combination of the main 6.

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12y ago

The color of the surface of the Sun is yellow,red,and orange.

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