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Q: What color is the tube for electrolytes?
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Which color tubes is for electrolytes?

In the NHA book it is written that Green top tube is for STAT electrolytes.

What color test tube is used when drawing blood for electrolytes?


What color tube do you use for LFT?

Red top tube would be used. This color tube is also used for kidney and liver function tests, electrolytes(Na, K, Cl, C02), sometimes glucose and also iron levels.

What evacuated tube would you use to draw for electrolytes?

red topped tube

Which tube would a phlebotomist use when a Doctor order a test for STAT electrolytes?

Gray tube

What color stopper for electrolytes?


What is the reason that the lavender top tube should not be drawn prior to drawing electrolytes?

A false depletion in the electrolytes. The depletion of sodium will not be accurate.

What is the reason that a lavender top tube should not be drawn prior to drawing electrolytes?

A false depletion in the electrolytes. The depletion of sodium will not be accurate.

What tube is stat electrolytes drawn in?

that would be the Green Top Tube that contains sodium heparin this tube also is to draw ammonia.

What color tube is used for STAT electrolytes?

This depends on the method that the laboratory employs. I assume that you are referring to the color coding system on the tubes that indicates what additives are inside of the tubes. Most laboratories will run most chemistry assays on gold top or SST (Serum Separator Tubes). Other methods for running electrolytes could be in a laboratory that uses an iStat device or something similar that can use whole blood as well as serum.

Is there anything to do for a bottle calf that has been given antibiotics and now has lost its appetite?

Yes. Tube it with electrolytes and milk. If the calf is not going to eat on its own, you're going to have to force-feed it by putting a esophageal tube down its throat and giving it the milk and electrolytes it needs to survive and get better.

What color tube is a SEROQUEL level collection?

color tube gor seroquel level