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well at first it is see trough clear then it becomes wither and whiter until you are ready to be a 100% fertile

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Q: What color is you sperm when you just hit puberty?
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When can you sperm?

when you hit puberty... at first it wont have sperm in it but it would just be seminal fluid. Afterwards your body will start to produce sperm cells.

Can a six year old produce sperm?

Sperm is produced when a boy has reached puberty. The average age to hit puberty is around 12-13-years-old. It would be very unlikely for a boy that age to have hit puberty. I have not heard of it.

When sperm come out of you dick does that mean you hit puberty?

Well, yes, but it is called, "Semen", which in boys is a clear to milky liquid that contains spermatazoa, or just sperm cells.

What happens if your 13yr old and you produce sperm?

you have hit puberty..... its normal.

Do young males produce sperm?

Yes, they do, once they hit puberty.

How do you cum?

If you haven't hit puberty just jack off like you were trying to ejaculate, then you would have "seminal fluid" instead of sperm. If you have already hit puberty, then you can't. If you have reached puberty and can ejaculate you already have pre-ejaculate. You don't feel it but it's about a drop or 2 that comes out and is used as lubrication. it also contains sperm and can get someone pregnant.

How do you make sperm come out even though you haven't hit puberty?

If you haven't reached puberty, then your body does not make sperm to be released, so there isn't really anything you can do about it, except wait.

Can guys get you pregnant when they haven't hit puberty?

No, a girl must have her period. Men cannot produce sperm until they hit puberty. You can't get pregnant if the male has not started to ejaculate sperm. It is when the male starts puberty that he can begin to ejaculate sperm in the semen.

I'm 15 and just beginning to get pubes on my balls and just starting to produce sperm and I already have pubes above my penis and at least 10 under my arm pits how far into puberty am I?

you prolly just hit it im 16 and i hit it at around 11 dude your a man by what you do not by the hair on your balls. You will be at least halfway through puberty by now.

When does the sperm come out of your penis?

Semen is there before you enter puberty and the sperms are made when you hit puberty. It comes out when you orgasm. And please don't think just because you're producing sperm that you're ready for sex. Sex is better in your later teens, so you can enjoy it more, and ALWAYS use protection.

If a 17 year old boy continue to produce sperm will this effect his health?

You will continue to produce sperm your whole life you usually start producing sperm when you hit puberty and beyond.

What do boys get when they go through puberty?

You usually start growing little hairs on your ballsack sometimes on your penis shaft.They will gradually grow. usuually your voice will drop also.Also when you hit the later stage of puberty your testicles also drop,or grow bigger i believe.Also you get the ability to sperm,sperm is the males sex cell which is a part of the male reproductive system.It will come out of where you pee,The color of sperm is white .Most likely you cannot miss it when you do ejaculate(when you sperm.)