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Q: What color of light is a combination of all colors of light?
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What color after black absorb the light most?

Black is not a color. It is the combination of all colors.

What color is formed by combining all colors of light?

White light is formed by combining all colors of light. This is known as additive color mixing, where the combination of the primary colors of light—red, green, and blue—creates white light.

Why does the color white occur?

There are two ways that the color white occurs, as light and as the color of an object. When you see white light it is a combination of many colors of light, because white light is a combination of all light. When you see a white object, that object is reflecting all of the colors of light back at you, because that surface doesn't absorb any of the colors of light.

What is every color together?

All colors together create white light. This is because white light is a combination of all the colors in the visible light spectrum.

What 2 color makes white?

White as a color is the absence of all colors. You cannot mix any colors to make it. White as light is the inclusion all colors in the viable spectrum. The make white light you need to mix every color together as light.

What color is formed when all the colors are reflected?

White light is formed when all colors are reflected off an object. This is because white light is a combination of all the colors in the visible spectrum.

What are the original clolurs in white light?

>Do you mean "what are the original Colors..."? <P>White light is a combination of all the colors in the spectrum. That's why, when it is shined through glass, you see a rainbow. The glass disperses the white light back into the individual colors. Black light is the absence of color. <P>Incidentally, while white Light is the combination of all colors, Black Pigment is the combination of all colors. White pigment is the absence of color.</P> all of the clolours of light

What colors do you get when you mix secondary colors of light?

When you mix the secondary colors of light (cyan, magenta, yellow), you get white light. This mixing process is known as additive color mixing, where the combination of different colored lights results in a lighter overall color.

Is white a color?

White is actually a combination of all the colors of light. So white is, in fact, a color.

Is the color of white all colors combined?

No, the color white is not formed by combining all colors. White is perceived when an object reflects all light wavelengths equally without absorbing any specific color, which results in a colorless appearance.

Why are black and white not true colors?

Black and white are not considered true colors because black is the absence of color and white is a combination of all colors. True colors are those on the visible spectrum of light and can be seen as individual hues.

What do you know about the clors white and black as they relate to light?

White light is a combination of all visible colors, while black is the absence of light. When all colors of light are combined, they create white, but when no light is present, we see black. This concept is fundamental in understanding the nature of color and light.