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Q: What color were the ephrathites people?
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What color were the Ephrathites?

Dark skin

Why does racism happen to people?

because people think that people with color are less important than people with no color because people think that people with color are less important than people with no color because people think that people with color are less important than people with no color because people think that people with color are less important than people with no color because people think that people with color are less important than people with no color

Which is a major way that media have historically represented people of color?

As invisible: People of color were not represented as often as whites.

How can people have different eye color?

people can have different eye color because of the probalility that their parents have different eye color.

Why do people hate the question What is your favorite color?

because a lot of people do not have favrouit color

Why do people like the color black?

People feel that the color black is a place where no one can find them and its simsply just a cozy color!

What percentage of people in America like the color purple?

14 percent of people in America chose the color purple as their favorite color

Are people still judging people of color these days?

Some people are wrongly racist but, no most people aren't judging people of color these days.

What color do gay people wear?

There isn't a certain color that all gay people wear.

Why do a lot of people like the color blue?

The color personalities are based on how people react in different situations, what people like to do, and how people are in relationships.

What is the color for the homeless?

Homelessness affects people of every color.

How many people dream in color?

How many people dream in color? Almost everybody sees in color. If you think of colors that is how you see it. It it a simple question.