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it would appear black.

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The red object would appear black because it would not reflect any of the green light shining on it. Green light is the complementary color of red, meaning the object would absorb all the green light and not reflect any color back to our eyes.

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Q: What color would a red object appear to be if you shone only green light on it?
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What color would a green object in green light?

A green object under green light would appear its original color and shade of green. When an object is illuminated by light of the same color, no new colors are absorbed or reflected, resulting in the object appearing unchanged.

What color is a green object if red light strikes it?

The green object will appear black because red light is absorbed by green objects.

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If an object is white in sunlight it will be green in green light. A white object reflects all wavelengths (colors) of light that shine on it. If only green light shines on it, that color will be reflected and the object will look green.

What color will a red object appear under green light?

A red object will appear dark or black under green light because red objects absorb green light and do not reflect any color back to the eye.

What color would a red object appear to be if you shone a green light on it?

it would appear black.

What color is an opaque object that absorbs green light?

An opaque object that absorbs green light would appear magenta, which is the complementary color to green. This is because the object absorbs green light and reflects red and blue wavelengths, which combine to produce magenta.

What colour will a green object be if only blue light was shone on it?

A green object will appear black if only blue light is shone on it because blue light is absorbed by the object and green is the complementary color of blue.

What colour will an object appear to be if it is absorbing green light and reflecting red and blue light?

The object will appear to be magenta because it reflects red light (which corresponds to the magenta color) and blue light, while absorbing green light.

If an object reflects red and green light what color does the object appear to be?

If an object reflects both red and green light, it will appear yellow to our eyes. This is because our eyes perceive a combination of red and green light as yellow.

What color would a green object be if you shined an orange light on it?

A "green" object is called "green" because that's the only color of light it reflects, and it absorbs any other color. If orange light is shining on it, then there's no light for it to reflect, and it looks black to you.

What happens when you shine a green light to a green object?

When you shine a green light on a green object, the object will reflect the green light and appear brighter or more vivid in color. Green objects absorb most of the other colors of light and reflect green light, so they will be most visibly affected by green light.

Why does a green apple appear black under a red light?

When a green apple appears black under a red light, it is because the red light does not contain wavelengths that correspond to the green color of the apple. The red light is absorbed by the apple, causing it to appear black as there is no green light being reflected off the surface to be perceived by our eyes. Each color of light corresponds to a specific wavelength, and when the light's wavelength does not match the object's color, the object will appear different.