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Caca Brown

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Ashton Stoltenberg

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Q: What colors are the are the pellets when fresh?
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What do demosticated rabbits eat?

12-18% rabbit pellets from a feed store, supplemented by fresh greens

What do rat droppings look like?

Rat droppings when fresh are little brown oval pellets on average 1cm or less long. They are moist to the touch. When they are not fresh they dry hard and look more black.

What do domesticated guinea pigs eat?

Fresh vegetables and pellets. Make sure you are supplementing their diet with vitamin c rich foods, since they do not make their own vitamin c. (carrots, red peppers, etc.) Give them fresh, purified water, and make sure they have timothy hay, which is crucial to their digestive process.

Can hamsters have guinea pig treats?

Yes. Guinea pigs can eat pretty much everything that hamsters eat. They can eat the Hamster pellets to, although they might not get all the nutrients that they need. But make sure your guinea pig always has fresh water, hay, and pellets. You should give them fresh vegetables daily to.

Do rabbits get tired of their food?

No. Mostly, rabbits should eat hay, but pellets (dried rabbit food) are an important part of their diet, as well as fresh water and fresh leafy greens (like Romaine lettuce). Some rabbits are sensitive to pellets and too many pellets in their diet makes them sick. These rabbits should eat less pellets and more leafy greens. Some rabbits are so sensitive that their owners have slowly transitioned their rabbits to a no-pellets diet (just hay and fresh greens), but this can be very risky and time-consuming because good pellets (there are bad ones -- read labels!) are specially formulated to meet a rabbit's dietary needs (with all the necessary vitamins and nutrients). If you feed your rabbit a no-pellets diet, you probably need to feed some dietary supplements, too. Definitely, no one should consider this extreme diet without first doing a lot of research, finding someone who has successfully done this diet before who can offer advice, and talking to a few different knowledgeable "rabbit-savvy" vets first. If your rabbit is healthy on a normal diet of hay, pellets, and greens, don't even consider changing it: rabbits are very sensitive to diet changes and a change in diet can make them sick.

Related questions

What colors are the owl pellets when fresh?

Caca Brown

What are the colors of Virgo?

Clean and fresh looking colors.

What are the five nutrients needed in a rabbit's diet?

Good quality pellets, fresh hay,water and fresh vegetables, and a limited amount of fruit.

What do demosticated rabbits eat?

12-18% rabbit pellets from a feed store, supplemented by fresh greens

What do Indian ringnecks eat?

you can give them a mix diet with pellets and seeds with fruits and fresh green vegetables.

What is color for Virgo?

Clean and fresh colors.

Do all hermit crabs need water and food pellets?

Yes; water is essential and food pellets are good, along with fresh fruits and vegetables. Make sure they have clean water everyday, take the fresh food out, and get a water bowl that the crab can climb out of easily and won't drown.

What is the best food to feed a chinchilla?

the best food to feed a chinchilla is pellets and fresh hay and of coarse you have to have water

What colors are fresh tones colors?

they are light green, tan, white, a very light pink

Can you feed your guinea pig canned green beans?

No, No, No, only feed them fresh veg and fruit. And the usual pellets and hay.

What does a regular fish eat?

Well, it depends. If it is a tropical fish it needs tropical flakes. If it is a betta fish it needs betta pellets. If it is a algae eater they need algae chips. If it is a fresh water fish it needs fresh water flakes or pellets or goldfish flakes or pellets. They all like freeze dried blood worms as a special treat! It is good to feed a variety of fish foods! Good luck!

How do guinea pigs become constipated?

not anuf (cleen) water or fresh food. not any greens or not anuf guinea pig pellets.