

What colors can a turtle be?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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12y ago

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Brown or green.
The colour is a type of green mixed with a shade of brown.

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your welcome(:

-<3- cheyenne miller

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turtle eggs are iust white

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brown and greens

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purple and orange

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What kind of turtle has orange and black colors on the bottom?

a painted turtle. If it is bright orange it's a male, if it is dull it is female.

Why is a turtle called a painted turtle?

that they have a shell, and they have coloring that will let be able to hide this will let them be able to camoflauge into certain things. a painted turtle has many different colors on it wich is how it got its name. a painted turtle, like all turtles, move very slowly so it is very good for them to have there different colors ao when there prey or predator comes it will not see the turtle.

What is the difference between a turtle and a chameleon?

The difference between a turtle and a chameleon is that a turtle is a animal that has a shell for a body and could live in the water or in land, and a chameleon is like a lizard that changes colors according where it is.

What colors are water turtles?

there is no such thing as a water turtle there called sea turtles there green or brown usaly

What are the colors of turtles?

My uncle has a friend who actually owns a red and purple turtle he found at Arbuckle Lake in Oklahoma.

How do you Disassemble vtech bouncing colors turtle?

Can anyone answer this question please...or did the person who asked this ? were u able to disassemble that

Which is correct turtle or turtle?

iortoise is a turtle who lives on the land

Can a central American wood turtle Red Eared Slider be housed in the same outside pen in the summer?

I have a central American wood turtle aswell. beautiful shell colors , huh? well no, because the red ear-slider turtle is more of an aqautic turtle whilst the central American orante wood turtle is more land-but still needs some water. not above 3" of water for the central American, and the red eared slider can live in up to 5 feet of water. the central American wood turtle should not be placed in deep water as it will drown.

What is the color of a turtle?

The only turtles that can colors are sun turtles and they dont even change they vary in color.

Is A turle a mollusk?

No, a turtle is a reptile.

What is the turtle on the gourmet turtle food?

YourMother Turtle