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Q: What colors of light corresponds to wave length?
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The quality in sound that corresponds to color in light is?

sound and light both share wave properties (ie. frequency and wave length). unlike sound light behaves as both a wave and a particle.

Sound intensity corresponds to?

wave length

What features of light corresponds to loudness in sound?

The property is the amplitude, which corresponds to loudness for a sound wave or brightness for a light wave.

What is the relation between wave length and the color of light?

Different colors have different wavelengths

How do colors of light differ from each other?

they differ by the length of the wave. And by the object that they hit.

How is refraction of light related to wave length of colors?

The longer the wavelength, the greater the angle of refraction.

Do all colors have the same wave lengths?

The visible light part of the electromagnetic spectrum is below the ultraviolet but above infrared. Purple light has the highest wave length and red has the lowest.

What property of a wave corresponds to the brightness of light or how loud a sound is?

the amplitude

What do colors have to do with visible light?

The visible light contains wave lenghts from 200nm to 800nm. 200 nm corresponds with the violet/blue colour and 800nm and around corresponds with red colour. Above 800nm wave lenght of the light is called infrared and below 200nm - ultraviolet. The shortest the lenght, the higher the energy. After ultraviolet we have radio waves, micro waves, X-rays, etc.

How does blue light differ from red light?

red and blue light differ in wave length because blue lights have shorter wave length than red light and shorter wave length are good for plants germination.

What bends light rays?

A prism bends light rays. White light is made up of many different wave lengths of light. A prism bends each wave length a different amount, that is why different colors are produced from the output side of a prism.

What type of light has a longer wave length ultra violent or infrared?

Ultraviolet has the longer wave length Infrared has the lower wave length