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Sodium Chloride is neutral. And Phenolphthalein is colourless when neutral.

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When phenolphthalein is mixed with sodium chloride solution, no color changes will occur. Phenolphthalein is a pH indicator that changes color in response to pH levels, while sodium chloride (table salt) does not significantly affect the pH of a solution.

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Q: What colour changes will appear when phenolphthalein is mixed with sodium chloride solution?
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What happens when copper sulfate and steel wool is mix?

When copper sulfate and steel wool are mixed, a chemical reaction occurs where the iron in the steel wool displaces the copper in the copper sulfate solution. This results in the formation of iron sulfate solution and copper metal. The iron sulfate solution may appear greenish due to the copper impurities, while the copper metal will appear as a reddish-brown solid.

Why does Bismuth chloride in water appear cloudy?

The cloudiness of Bismuth chloride in water is due to the formation of a suspension of solid particles. When Bismuth chloride is added to water, insoluble compounds are formed which do not dissolve completely, leading to the cloudy appearance.

Does the iodine solution change color?

Yes, the iodine solution can change color. It typically turns from brown to blue-black when it comes into contact with starch.

Why is silver nitrate solution unstable?

Silver nitrate solution is unstable because silver ions have a high affinity for ligands present in solution, leading to the formation of insoluble silver compounds. The formation of these insoluble compounds can lead to the precipitation of silver salts from solution, making it appear unstable.

When water changes state it looks and feel different but is still water?

Yes, when water changes state, it can appear and feel different but it remains the same substance. For example, when water freezes into ice, it becomes solid and hard, while when it boils into steam, it becomes a gas. Despite these changes, the fundamental chemical composition of water (H2O) remains the same.

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