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Q: What colour does blue and orange and white make?
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What colour does blue and orange make?


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red, blue ,purple, orange,silver,green,and white. *Soft blue is the colour that is best at calming a person.

What other colors make a color?

Yellow + Blue = Green Blue + Red = Purple Red + White = Pink Red + Yellow = Orange Black + White = Grey Adding white to a colour will make it lighter (except red, which makes a completely new colour - pink) Adding a little black to a colour will make it darker.

What colour blue and white make?

light blue - it depends on how much white you use.

When you add green blue red what colour does it make?


What does white blue and orange make?

light brown or tan

What color would you mix with orange color to get another color?

hello the main colour i am think to mix orange with to create a different colour is blue. Y ou could mix blue with it to make a brownish colour because that will be like mixing all the secondary colours together (red+yellow=orange+blue=brown) .

Which color do you add with blue to get sky blue?

To make the colour sky blue you must add white.

what does blue black and white make?

a kind of bluey grey colour

What does blue and orange make?

it makes a very dark shade of green because blue and yellow make green and yellow is like a lighter colour of orange!

What mixed with blue color will make red color?

Red and blue are both primary colours and therefore cannot be made using any other colour. You can only make dark blue or navy by adding a tint of black or make pale blue by adding white. Red can be made into pink or orange by adding either white or yellow etc.

What colors make light blue color?

Blue with white, add small amounts of blue to white until you reach your desired shade. It is easier and will use less paint if you add the darker colour to the lighter colour.