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2w ago

Perfume typically does not have any effect on universal indicator as it is not a direct indicator of pH. Universal indicator changes color based on the pH of a solution, ranging from red (acidic) to purple (neutral) to blue (basic).

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Q: What colour does perfume and universal indicator turn?
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Alkalis turn universal indicator blue or purple.

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Universal indicator will turn green when an acid is mixed with an alkali. This green color indicates a neutral pH level which is achieved when the acid and alkali have neutralized each other.

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When acid is added to universal indicator, the indicator will typically change to shades of red, orange, or yellow, depending on the strength of the acid.

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If a universal indicator is added to blood, it would likely turn a dark purple or blue color, indicating a more basic pH level. Blood typically has a pH around 7.4, which is slightly alkaline.

What color do alkalis turn universal indicator?

Alkalis turn universal indicator blue or purple in color.

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Ammonia gas would turn universal indicator paper blue or purple depending on the concentration of ammonia present.

What colour does copper sulphate turn the universal indicator?

I belive its red or my nose

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Orange, low acidic substance.