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Q: What colour is refracted most by a prism?
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What colour is refracted most when passing triangular prism?

violet is most refracted when passing through a triangular prism because refractive index of violet is more and dispersion is directly proportional to ref index

Which colour bends the most when white light is passed through a prism?

The violet colour will be refracted the most, it has a shorter wave length and a higher frequency. The red light will be refracted the least, with its longer wave length and lower frequency.

White light is split up into its component colours by a prism what colour will be refracted the most?

The violet (higher frequency) light.

What color is refracted most when passing through a prism?


Which color is most refracted in a 60 degree prism?


What colour of light is refracted most?


Which light is deviated most and which light deviated least when a ray of white light passes through a prism?

Red is refracted most and violet is refracted the least when white light passes through a prism.

How will you compare prism to raindrops?

Light is refracted and reflected by a (glass) prism Light is refracted and reflected by a raindrop

Which color of light is dispersed most by a prism?

The refractive index of violet light is most in a glass prism and is the least for the red light. So violet light is most refracted in the glass prism.

When white light travels through a glass prism what colour is refracted through the smallest angle?

Red since red light travels the slowest

How does a prism create light dispersion?

Refraction. White light is made up of coloured components with different frequencies, which are refracted to different angles when passing through the prism. Blue light is refracted the most, whereas red is refracted the least. This allows us to see the entire spectrum of visible light.

Why does white light change colour when it passes through a prism?

It doesn't. What happens is that the colors that are already in it are separated by the prism. It's basically because short waves (blue) are refracted more than long waves (red).