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Q: What colour is the female kookaburra?
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What color is the laughing kookaburras claws?

The kookaburras feet are olive / cream, and their claws are a dusty colour.

How many babies can a mother kookaburra have in 1 day?

A kookaburra will only lay a single egg a day. During breeding season, a female kookaburra lays an average of three eggs, but usually two days apart.

How do you tell if a kookaburra is male or female?

The most obvious way to determine whether a kookaburra is male or female is that the male has blue wing-tips and a deeper blue on his tail. Females tend to be stockier and more heavyset, but this is not an obvious difference.

What is the difference between a laughing kookaburra and a normal kookaburra?

A Laughing kookaburra IS a normal kookaburra, and the only one completely native to Australia alone. It is one of four universally recognised species of kookaburra, the others being the Blue-winged kookaburra, Spangled kookaburra and Rufous-bellied kookaburra.

Will there be a new kookaburra beast in 2011 or will kookaburra change it to CCX?

Hi, I believe there is a Beast for 2011, as I have bought some new stickers off eBay (which stated they were for 2011) that were Kookaburra Beast and look significantly different from the 2010 model (new model has lighted shade of red as the colour). I'm not 100% sure though... hopefully this helps anyway :)

What kind of animal is a kookaburra?

A kookaburra is a bird - a species of kingfisher.

Is this how you spell Kookaburra?

"Kookaburra" is the correct spelling.

How does a kookaburra and how long does a kookaburra sleep?

it is unknown

How do you make a kookaburra laugh?

The kookaburra's laugh is a territorial call. People cannot make a kookaburra laugh.

Do female goldfish have a white belly?

A female or male goldfish can be any colour. The colour of the fish does not determine the sex of the fish.

What is 5 synonyms for a kookaburra?

Sorry there are no synonymous for kookaburra.

Why does the kookaburra have a tiger tail?

The kookaburra does not have a tiger tail.