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maybe light blue, near fire on the stove,
more light, more heat..

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Q: What colour star has the highest surface temperature?
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Which star has the highest surface temperature?

White Dwarf

Which color star has the highest surface temperature?


What color will a star be with a surface temperature of 5000-6000K?

It will be a class "G" star with a conventional colour of yellow with an apparent colour of yellowish-white.

Is a red super-giant hot?

The colour of a star is a good measure of the surface temperature.

What do the color of star indicate?

When a star colour is blue, then the temprature of the surface can go from 20,000c to 50,000c. When a star colour is white then the temprature of the surface is around 10,000c. If a star colour is yellow like the sun then the temprature of the surface is around 6,000c. If the star your looking at is red then it is not really hot, the temrature of the surface can go up to 3,000c. Hope i helped :)

Which stars have the highest surface temperatures red star or blue stars?

Blue stars have the highest surface temperature, at over 7,500 Kelvin. The surface temperature of red stars is less than 5,000 Kelvin.

Can astronomers tell from the elements of a star what uts surface temperature is?

The temperature of a star is determined for it's colour spectrum. The hotter the star the more the spectrum is towards blue where as a cooler star has a spectrum closer to red.

Color and Surface Temperature of vigo?

Vigo is a town in North-West Spain but the fact that the question is about the colour and surface temperature suggests it may be about a star. However, there is no star called Vigo and the most likely alternative is Virgo. But Virgo is not a star but a constellation consisting of nearly 100 Bayer/Flamsteed stars. These vary in their colour and temperatures.

The temperature of a star is actually the temperature of what?

the surface of the star.

One way in which scientists can determine the surface temperature of a star is by its?

There are several things scientists can do to determine the surface temperature of a star. Formulas utilizing Wein's law and the Stefanâ??Boltzmann law can calculate stellar temperatures. However, for a rough estimate, scientists can also use the color of a star in order to determine surface temperature.

What is the color and surface temperature on delphini?

It sounds as if you are asking about a star - but there is no star by that name. Rather, there are several stars in the constellation Delphinus, with names such as alpha delphini, beta delphini, etc.

What does colour of star indicates?
