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Well, the grapes, if in a black room, will absorb off any colours that are not its colour. So the answer would be black. The green grapes would turn black if a red light was shone upon them.

^ hope i have helped!

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1w ago

A green object would appear black in red light because red light contains wavelengths that are opposite to green on the color spectrum. The object would not reflect any red light, resulting in the absence of visible light being reflected back to our eyes, making it appear black.

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11y ago

It's called "A Green Object" because when light of many colors falls on it, it reflects the

green light toward your eyes and absorbs all the other colors, including red.

So if red light is the only light falling on it, the light is all absorbed, none is reflected

to your eyes, and the object appears black.

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Lvl 2
3y ago

A green object would look black in a red light because coloured objects absorb all colours except the colour they are so a green object absorbs 6 colours.

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Ella Matheson

Lvl 2
3y ago

green the grapes will be green they may not look like they are but they will still be green

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Lvl 1
3y ago

The grapes will be green still because the grapes where originally green

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Lvl 1
3y ago

The grapes will be yellow because of red+green=yellow.

It doesn't matter because if the room was black the light of the red and the colour of the grapes will make it green

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Q: What colour would a green object look in red light and why?
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A green object will appear black if only blue light is shone on it because blue light is absorbed by the object and green is the complementary color of blue.

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In blue light, a yellow object would appear dark or black because yellow absorbs blue light and reflects other colors. This means that the object wouldn't reflect any of the blue light, making it appear dark.

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The red light would be absorbed by the green object and the object would appear dark. The green object reflects green light and absorbs other colors.

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It is either green because the colour of light above it is the only colour it allows through like in this case Green light only lets green through or it could be cyan as blue and green make cyan but i think it would be green

What colour would a green object look under a red light and why?

A green object would look blaack in a red light because coloured objects absorb all colours except the colour they are, so a green object absorbs 6 colours (red, orange, yellow, blue, indigo, violet) and reflects 1 (green). In this situation, there is no green light to reflect and it can't reflect other colours, so it looks black. :)

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It would be black becasue the object would absorb all the red light, and there would be no green light for it to reflect

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A vey light yellow green or slightly murky yellow.