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violet, becasue of how the colours react to each other and how they work together to form green.

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Q: What colour would a green object look under yellow light and why?
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What will be the colour of a yellow object in a dark room while red light falls on it?

Green will be the color of a yellow object in a dark room while red light falls on it.

What colour will a yellow object look in red light and why?

It will look red. White light is made up of a spectrum of many colours. The primary colours are red, green and blue. An object (in white light) appears yellow because it reflects red and green light but absorbs blue light. In red light, the same object will simply reflect the red light. Since there is no green light, the object will appear red. (A mixture of red and green gives yellow)

What does green and yellow make?

A vey light yellow green or slightly murky yellow.

What colour is a crab?

sort of brown and yellow colour

What colour does yellow and light green make?


What colour do you get when you mix yellow and green light?


Does yellow light and blue light make green light?

No you will get White light. no you wont will get a light green colour..

A green object appears green because?

a. blue and yellow light are being reflected by the object.b. blue and yellow light are being absorbed by the object.c. green light is absorbed by the object.d. green light is reflected by the object.

How do colored objects look under colored lights?

If the light is or contains the colour the object it is striking, then the object will appear to be the colour it originally is. If the light is not or does not contain the colour the object it is striking, then object will appear black. This is because an object will only reflect the light that is the same colour as it, all other light is absorbed. For example: Red, yellow, magenta, and white light will make a red object appear red as they all contain red light. Blue, green and cyan light will make a red object appear black.

What colour will a blue object look in yellow light?
