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A white shirt is, basically, reflecting all colours of the electromagnetic spectrum which it is exposed to. So for white light it is reflecting red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. If you only expose it to red light (with a wavelength of ~650nm), it will reflect only that light. Therefore, the white shirt will appear red.

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In white light, you basically see everything in its true colors. Thus, you would see a blue object as blue, a red object as red, etc.

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Q: What colour would a red shirt appear when exposed to white light?
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It looks purple in colour. So let's see: You are wearing a blue shirt and a dress of some other colour, have I got this right? If the shirt is truly pure blue and it is hit by pure red light it will appear black. I can't answer for the dress, because its colour is not stated.

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because since a dress doesn't produce it's own light, but nearly reflects the light in its surroundings; so it would absorb the light and appear as the colour of the fabric :) And if you were in a dark room, the shirt (dress ect.) wouldn't have any light to reflect so it would appear black.

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a very light shirt but without the jacket. wear a cardigan instead.

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it depends if it's a nice black shirt I would go with kahkis but if its a casual shirt I would do light blue jeans

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Because the green light is the only colour that is reflected back from the shirt. The reds and blues are absorbed.

What is the relationship between light and colour explain with example?

Light is just radiation bouncing off objects that comes back to us as colour. For example, a black shirt looks black because it absorbs most of the light's radiation and a white shirt looks white because the light's radiation bounces off the white.

What colour matches with light orange?

you could keep it neutral with a white shirt.