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Q: What coltan has to do with the Congo war?
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Where is coltan mined?

Coltan is mined in Eastern parts of Congo and Central Africa

What is good about coltan?

Coltan is used in other things besides phones, like hearing aids and pacemakers Coltan, or Tantalite is an ore mined in the DR Congo, (among other places) and is alleged to be the cause of war and unrest there.

Have coltan for sale please email

hi im ceks and i have beste quality coltan from congo and we have to much! if like it keep contact and call me 0031686459170

What mineral resources republic democratic of Congo has?

Democratic Republic of the Congo has gold, coltan, copper, cobalt, tin, manganese, lead, and zinc.

How does conflict affect the people?

if you have a mobile phone hen it is likely that you are linked to the conflict in the democratize republic of congo. the DCR is rich in coltan , a mineral which is used to make mobile mobile phone has increased, so the coltan has become more valuable. the people who have the coltan have the power and money made from the sale of coltan is used to buy more weapons .

How does conflict affect people?

if you have a mobile phone hen it is likely that you are linked to the conflict in the democratize republic of congo. the DCR is rich in coltan , a mineral which is used to make mobile mobile phone has increased, so the coltan has become more valuable. the people who have the coltan have the power and money made from the sale of coltan is used to buy more weapons .

What is a mobile phone made of?

A mobile phone is mainly made of Coltan, mainly from the DRC (democratic republic of congo) and Tungsten.

Would banning the use of tantalum from Congo have a significant impact on the war ther?

According to a report produced by the United Nations in October 2003, the smuggling and exporting of coltan helped fuel the war in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in which has lead to around 5.5 million deaths. Coltan is a mineral: columbite-tantalite from which columbium (niobium) and tantalum are obtained. The mining of this mineral was an important feature in the local economy and,although the DRC's share of world production of tantalum is not particularly large, it would have affected the funding streams of the various armies and so could have shortened the war.

Why is Coltan mined in Congo likened to Blood Diamonds?

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Is coltan an element?

Coltan is not an element on the Periodic Table. Coltan is a mineral from which niobium and tantalum are extracted from.

What natural resources are in the Congo?

The Democratic Republic of the Congo is rich in natural resources such as cobalt, copper, diamonds, gold, tin, and coltan. The country also has significant reserves of oil, gas, timber, and hydropower potential.

What materials is a major resources of the democratic republic of cargo?

Democratic Republic of Congo is rich in natural resources that include timber, diamonds, copper, cobalt, gold, uranium and coltan.