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recessive + recessive



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Q: What combination of alleles could produce a trait controlled by a recessive allele?
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What combinations of alleles could produce a trait controlled by a recessive alleles?

recessive + recessive or tt

What combination of alleles could produce a trait controlled by a dominant allele?


How can alleles be?

Alleles can either be recessive or dominant. Dominant alleles produce a dominant trait which is normally seen, whereas although the recessive allele is present, the recessive trait is not normally visible. However, in cases of codominance and complete dominance the dominant trait does not completely hide the recessive trait and it can show through.

Alleles that are neither dominant nor recessive produce an inheritance pattern known as .?


What do dominant and recessive alleles have in common?

Alleles are different types of a gene. Each gene controls a characteristic and they is usually a recessive allele and a dominant one. The main similarity is that they both control a certain characteristic!

What is the physical result of a combination of alleles?

Alleles are carried on genes so a combination of alleles results in a new offspring (baby).

What two alleles could produce a trait controlled by a dominant allele?

Tt or TT

How did Mendel find out whether the recessive alleles were still present in the f plants?

he breeded the f1 plants with a recessive homozygous plant and if the offspring (f2) showed the recessive allele, then the recessive allele is still present in the f1 plant

If the alleles for traits in pea plants did not segregate during gamete formation and offspring that were recessive for a trait could be produced only by crossing two plants that where recessive?


Is it impossible for two alleles to produce four phenotypes?

This would depend upon how they are expressed. Are we talking dominant, codominant, or recessive? Then there are genes thought to be fine tuned by environmental factors.

What alleles always produce and effect?

Dominant alleles.

What does it mean if a trait demonstrates codominace?

Co-dominance occurs when two different alleles at a gene locus produce and intermediate result. In shorthorn cattle the combination of the white and red alleles produces roan. In poinsettia plants the combination of red and white alleles results in pink.