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None. Try the hydrogen atom.

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Q: What combinations describes the proton in the modern atomic model?
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Related questions

What is the atomic number to a proton?

We don't use a atomic number for a proton. But atomic number is the number of protons an atom contains.

What is a proton weighs atomic mass units?

A proton weighs 1 atomic mass unit.

What is the positively charge atomic particle of an atom called?

A Proton

What is the modern periodic table based on?

Modern periodic table is based on modern periodic law which states that physical and chemical properties of elemnts are periodic function of their atomic numbers.

A neutral atomic particle called a proton?

A neutral atomic particle is called a proton. This is taught in science.

What subatomic particle is related the atomic number of an element?

protons, no. of protons is equal to the atomic number of an element.

What is the proton number also called?

The proton number is the atomic number.

What is the proton number called when referring to the periodic table?

Proton number is called atomic number when referring to periodic table. Proton number is equal to atomic number.

Which particale has a mass of approximately one atomic mass unit and a unit positive charge?

The particle with one unit of positive charge is Proton. Answer Proton

What is the atomic mass of a proton?

the mass of a proton is 1.67262 x 10-27.

What is the formula for the atomic number?

atomic number = number of proton in an element number of proton = number of electron mass number = number of proton + number of neutron therefore... atomic number = mass number - number of neutrons

What type of particle has an atomic number of 1 and a mass number of 1?

Of the common sub-atomic particles, both the proton and the neutron have mass numbers of 1.