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Unlike the idiot who said, "Figure it out you lazy jerk!" I will give you the real answer...

The combinations that form the ionic bonds are, metal atoms and nonmetal atoms. Strong electrostatic forces of attraction between oppositely charged ions.

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4d ago

Ionic bonds form between atoms that have a large difference in electronegativity, where one atom donates an electron to another. Common combinations include a metal atom and a nonmetal atom, such as sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl) in sodium chloride (NaCl) or magnesium (Mg) and oxygen (O) in magnesium oxide (MgO).

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Q: What combinations of atoms form ionic bonds?
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What hold combinations of atoms together in molecules?

Chemical bonds hold combinations of atoms together in molecules. These bonds form when atoms share, donate, or receive electrons to achieve a stable arrangement. The most common types of chemical bonds are covalent bonds, ionic bonds, and metallic bonds.

Combination of atoms that forms a separate unit are?

Molecules are combinations of atoms that form a separate unit with distinct chemical properties. These atoms are held together by chemical bonds, such ways include covalent bonds, ionic bonds, and hydrogen bonds.

What kind of atoms form ionic compounds?

Ionic compounds are formed by atoms that have significantly different electronegativities, resulting in the transfer of electrons from one atom to another. Typically, metals (such as sodium, magnesium, and aluminum) will lose electrons to nonmetals (such as chlorine, oxygen, and sulfur) to form ionic bonds.

Can ionic bonds be established between identical atoms?

No, ionic bonds are formed between atoms of different elements that have significantly different electronegativities. Identical atoms have the same electronegativities, so they do not form ionic bonds.

Why do atoms form convalent and not ionic bonds?

Atoms form covalent bonds when they share electrons because they have similar electronegativities, resulting in a stable electron configuration. Ionic bonds form between atoms with significantly different electronegativities, leading to the transfer of electrons rather than sharing. Covalent bonds are more common in non-metal and non-metal combinations where electron sharing is more favorable.

Related questions

What kind of atoms form ionic compounds?

Ionic compounds are formed by atoms that have significantly different electronegativities, resulting in the transfer of electrons from one atom to another. Typically, metals (such as sodium, magnesium, and aluminum) will lose electrons to nonmetals (such as chlorine, oxygen, and sulfur) to form ionic bonds.

What type of bonds do charged atoms form?

Ionic bonds.

What form of atoms or molecules form ionic bonds?

Ions, charged atoms

When atoms bond with other atoms what do types of bonds do they form?


What bonds form atoms gaining or giving up electrons?

Ionic bonds

What are bonds that form by atoms gaining or giving up electrons?

Ionic bonds

Will the attraction between various combinations of atoms produce bonds which form molecules?

Yes, the attraction between atoms can lead to the formation of chemical bonds, which can then combine to form molecules. These bonds may form through the sharing or transfer of electrons between atoms, resulting in stable configurations of atoms in a molecule.

Covalent bonds are formed when atoms share electrons and ionic bonds are formed when positive and negative ions bond to form an ionic compound.?

Ionic - electron transfer Covalent - electron share (co - share)

Do atoms of nonmetals lose protons when they form ionic bonds?

No, atoms of nonmetals do not lose protons when they form ionic bonds. Nonmetals tend to gain electrons to achieve a full outer shell, becoming negatively charged ions (anions) in ionic bonds.

What kind of atoms form what?

ionic or even covalent bonds

When atoms form chemical bonds with other atoms the atoms have joined together chemically?

Yes, when atoms form chemical bonds with other atoms, they combine to create molecules or compounds. These chemical bonds are formed through the sharing or transfer of electrons between atoms, resulting in a stable arrangement of electrons.

What types of bonds are there in atoms?

The types of bonds are corporate bonds, junk bonds ,treasury bonds and municipal bonds. There are saving bonds also.