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Q: What comes in four types and grow in two sets in one lifetime?
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dirt, water, sand, not sure about the other what else can plants grow in ?and mud ideot

How long do fingernails grow in a lifetime?

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The average Human will grow up to 500 kilometers of hair in a lifetime. That is roughly 950 miles of hair!

Types of development?

When it comes to development it comes in physical and emotional ways. Our bodies change and emotionally we change and grow. In fact, I believe we emotionally grow all the time. This is done by going through different experiences in life. It is important to change for the postive.

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540 inches.

Do sheep hornes grow back if broken at a young age?

Hi, The answer to your question is Yes. Well that is for the sheeps that do grow horns as there are few types that do not. The ones that do grow horns however grow them their entire lifetime. So if they grow their whole life then yes it would grow back if it broke. Here is a link about sheep, some sheeps have 4 horns.

Which animal can grow its entire lifetime?

Many, including crocodiles and snakes.

Why does a herbivores teeth continue to grow throughout its lifetime?

because it does ^o)

Does a human head only grow twice in a lifetime?

no. Because it only once.