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540 inches.

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Q: How long does nose hair grow in a lifetime?
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How much does human hair grow in a month?

Your hair grows .75 inches in a month

IF you pick your nose can your hair grow faster?


Which two parts of your body continue to grow thought your lifetime?

Ears and nose

Does everyone grow?

Yes, everyone does grow. Unless you have a diesease where you can't, but other than that, everyone does grow. Your body stops growing at 30 years old and up, but your nose, ears and hair will continue to grow, even your nails, throughout your whole lifetime.

Does nose hair grow faster when trimmed?

No, no hair grows faster or get thicker when trimmed or plucked etc. this is a common myth. short hair appears to grow faster than long hair because there are less natural breaks in the hair etc. all similar hairs grow at the same speed (based on hormones) the hair on your head grows at the same speed as every other hair on your head, your nose hair grows at the same speed as all the other nose hairs wether you pluck or trim hope this helps

Why does hair grow on your nose?

Because you're a mammal.

If you lose nose hair will it grow back?


Why does hair grow on nose?

Because you touch yourself at night

Why do people grow hair on the outside of their nose?

People have hair almost everywhere on their body,nose hair is one of those parts. It grows naturally to protect dust from going into the nose and damaging the lungs.

Does your nose grow as long as you live?


Why do my nose hairs grow so fast?

because it is a same as your hair....

Why is nose hair long?

Actually, it is not the nose hair that is long, but shrinking of the skin around it. As we age the body shrinks and so things like nose hairs look longer.