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because it is a same as your hair....

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Q: Why do my nose hairs grow so fast?
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Why hairs grow so long on your head?

why hairs grow so long on our head and shorter on arms

Is it okay to pluck nose hair?

because the skin in your nose is very sensitive so when you pluck your nose hairs it can rip off a large amount of skin that is why its bad to pluck nose hairs

Why should you breathe from your nose not mouth?

dis is so because , breathing by nose removes all dust particles due to the hairs, but whereas mouth does not have any hairs.

How do cats grow whiskers?

Their whiskers are specialize hairs, so they grow like any other hair.

Why is nose hair long?

Actually, it is not the nose hair that is long, but shrinking of the skin around it. As we age the body shrinks and so things like nose hairs look longer.

Why do dreads grow so fast?

They grow just as fast as non dreaded hair

Can you tell a co-worker to trim his nose-hairs?

In my experience, people are more likely to take offense when they are given helpful information about something that they are doing wrong, than they are to be grateful for the opportunity to improve, so unless this particular co-worker is a person of unusual wisdom, I would have to advise you not to mention the nose hairs. Just ignore them. I really don't think his nose hairs affect you in any way, so its none of your business what he does or does not do with them.

Why do you smell things?

Well, you smell things because you have a nose. Your mom and dad produced your nose so you can smell delicious, and somewhat nasty things. The little hairs in your nose help you smell also. Well, that's about it. and remember, ALWAYS keep your nose clean so you can smell!

Why do you grow hair between your legs?

so that sweat dripping down hour back is obsorbed by the hairs

Does your nose get bigger as you age?

No. can you feel your feet growing? i didn't think so.

What would happen if Pinocchio said My nose is going to grow now?

The fact is that if pinochio said this he would be lying,so therefore his nose would grow,but then his lie would become true,and again because he spoke the truth his nose would shrink,which would make him a lier again,so therefore it would result in a never ending occurence of his nose growing and shrinking. its almost like if you took viagra and steroids at the same time or you can use the bubble theory and state that in one dimension his nose will grow and in another it would shrink or you can say that one half of his nose would grow and the other would shrink making it a...wait for it...half truth"he he" Then again, saying "my nose will grow" is a presumption for the future and a vague one at that. If he said that his nose would grow in the future, but did not specify when it would, so as long as his nose had the ability to grow, then the statement would be neither be false or true. If his nose could not grow, then his statement would be false, but if his nose could not grow, then he would have already broken the curse. But if he thought he knew that his nose could not grow any more, then it would be a lie, and therefor his nose would grow. Then, in 200 milliseconds (average human reaction time), after realizing that his statement was in fact truth, his nose would shrink again. It would therefor not grow again as he had already satisfied the condition of his nose growing once.

Why do men have more nose hairs than women?

they have more because they are more manly and women are usually not men of course so that's why