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Halley's comet.

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Q: What comet takes about 76 years to orbit?
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How long does in take for haileys comet take to orbit the earth?

Halley's Comet orbits the sun, not the earth, roughly every 76 years.

What object in your solar system takes 76 years to complete one orbit?

Halley's comet

Does Halley's comet pass by the earth every year in its orbit through our solar system?

Haley's Comet is visible from Earth every 75 to 76 years. The Comet's orbit takes 75 to 76 years to complete, so it only passes by the earth once every 75-76 years.

What is a comet named after a famous astronomer that has an orbit of 76 years?

halley's comet

How many years does it take for Haley's comet to orbit the sun?

76 years.

The amount of time it takes for a comet to complete its orbit?

33 years.

Why does Halley's comet apear every 76 years?

Beacuse that's how long it takes to Orbit the sun And pass the Earth in the process

Why does Halley's comet appear when it does?

Beacause it completes its orbit in 76 years.

How long does it take for Haley's comet to make a full orbit?

76 years

Approximately how many years does it take Halley's comet to orbit around the sun?

about 76 years

Why do we only see haley' s comet every73 years?

It's actually every 76 years, and the reasons why is that's how long it takes for it to circle around us in its orbit.

When is Hay lees Comet due again?

Halley's comet last appeared in 1986 - it's not due back in our part of space until 2062 ! Its orbit through our solar system takes about 76 years.