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Some comets that have appeared in the last 25 years are Hale-Bopp, Hyakutake, Shoemaker-Levy 9, Swift-Tuttle, and Tempel 1. C/2006 P1 McNaught was the brightest comet in the last 25 years.

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Q: What comets were seen over the last 5 years?
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When was briela's comets last appearance?

Do you mean Biela's comet? Last seen in 1852.

How many comets are seen in 30 years?

There is no set number, because new comets are discovered all the time. Not all comets that are discovered will be visible with the naked eye.

When were comets seen?

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What is the name of the comet that supposedly appears every 2000 years or so and was last seen in the mid 90's?

"Periodic" comets reappear at predictable intervals, such as Haley's Comet. Some comets are never seen again. A few crash into the Sun and are destroyed; a few crash into other planets, such as the Shoemaker-Levy comet that hit Jupiter. Many comets have such long periods, in terms of thousands of years, that no records exist that anyone ever saw them before.

When were comets found?

Comets have been seen and studied by people for thousands of years. Edmond Halley predicted a comet to return in 1705 which is why we call it Halley's Comet or Comet Halley.

Why are comets not seen very often in the night sky?

Comets have wide orbital paths, they are great balls of ice and dust that can take hundreds of years to complete one orbit.

How often are comets seen?

It depends on the comet for example Haleys comet appears about every 95 to 100 years.

When beggars die there are no?

comets seen"

Can you describe the features of a comet?

they come from space DUHXX

What was the last comet to be seen from earth?

It's impossible to answer that, but I can tell you whenit was seen: right now.There are nearly always at least a few comets visible from Earth through telescopes.

What are some things about comets?

over 1500 coets have been seen over 200 years we wont see comet hale bop until year 4395! a comet is made from ice dust and rock! these are called dirty snowballs

When was last comet last seen?

As objects visible to astronomers with telescopes, it is a rare time when some comet is not visible in the sky, at some place in the world. But as far as large, naked-eye comets, the last one was Comet Hale-Bopp, which reached maximum brightness in April of 1997. It will not return for about 2500 years. New comets are being discovered all the time, but there is no way to predict when or if a large, naked-eye comet will be seen again. We are reasonably sure of the return of Comet Halley, but that will next be in 2061.