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Q: What common method of tubal ligation is used during a c-section?
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Is modified pomeroy a type of bilateral tubal ligation?

Yes! The modified pomeroy is a method of tubal ligation. It can be done during minilaparotomy, which is a small open incision made on the abdomen.

What does electrocoagulation entail?

A heated needle connected to an electrical device is used to cauterize or burn the tubes. Electrocoagulation is the most common method of tubal ligation.

Why is it that woman prefer the pills than any other birth control?

You're misinformed. In the US, tubal ligation is the most common method of birth control.

By what measure is tubal ligation a reliable method of birth control?

fewer than one in 200 women (0.4%) will become pregnant during the first year after sterilization.

What does it mean to get your tubes tied?

Getting your tubes tied is an expression for a tubal ligation procedure. Tubal ligation is form of female sterilization, a permanent birth control method. Tubal ligation is a surgical procedure that seals fallopian tubes and eliminates the chance of pregnancy.

What are the method of contraceptions?

chemical, such as pills physical, such as condoms (male and female condoms), IUD SURGICAL - vasectomy, ligation

What is the most common process for tubal ligation?

it:s illegal unless done in a licensed hospital! it:s a form of sterilization, hardly a (Take a walk around the Block) thing like band aids or suture removal, which can be done ( over the counter) with a minimum of pain and discomfort.

What is the knowledge and perception level of antenatal mothers on tubal ligation?

The knowledge and perception level of antenatal mothers on tubal ligation seems to be very low. Most of the mothers do not understand this method of family planning and are afraid of using it.

What is a permanent birth control method woman use?

Tubal ligation and Essure are permanent Birth Control methods for women.

What is a permanent birth control method use by woman?

Tubal ligation and Essure are permanent birth control methods for women.

What is Tubal sterilization?

A tubal ligation is a surgical procedure done in women to permanently prevent conception and pregnancy. It can be done in various ways but the term literally means tying or binding of the tubes (Fallopian tubes). This is why you hear it referred to as having your "tubes tied".Tubal ligation or tubectomy a.k.a. having one's "tubes tied" is a surgical procedure for sterilization in which a woman's fallopian tubes are clamped and blocked, or severed and sealed, either method of which prevents eggs from reaching the uterus for fertilization. Tubal ligation is considered a permanent method of sterilization or birth control.

What was a common method of transportation during the seventeen hundreds?

Horse's and steam engines horse drawn wagons