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There are not any specific companies which only offer residential lifts for disabled people. All of the companies on the market which offer lifts will also supply lifts for disabled people.

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Q: What companies offer residential lifts for disabled people?
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Related questions

Which companies make lifts for the disabled?

There are multiple companies that manufacture wheelchair lifts for the disabled. Freedom Lift Systems produces lifts for commercial, personal, portable, car, bus, porch, and high tower lifts to suit the customer's specific needs.

Where can one purchase disabled lifts?

One can purchase disabled lifts from a number of companies online. They can be purchased from 'Stannah', 'AmeriGlide', 'BrunAbility' and also from 'eBay'.

Where can one purchase a residential stair lift?

There are many companies that specialize in residential stair lifts. Some examples of these companies are Stannah Stairlifts, UK Lift, Access BDD and Help My Mobility.

What are the main types of bath available for the disabled?

There are three main types of baths available for the disabled. There are manual bath lifts. Also, there are inflatable bath lifts. Finally, there are battery operated bath lifts.

How often do people get stair lifts in their homes?

Stair lifts are much more likely to be used in homes with the elderly or disabled. There have been no overall statistic, but at least 10% of families with seniors 65 or older look into stair lifts.

Where can i buy a residential elevator?

It depends a little on where in the world one lives. In most countries there are companies that offer elevators. Checking a business phone list would be a good idea. Also, one could look at any of the following websites, which all are for companies that offer residential elevators: TK Access, Residential Elevators, Home Elevator, Access Elevator and Symmetry Elevators.

Which companies sell patient lifts?

There are many companies that sell patient lifts. Examples of companies that sell patient lifts include Spin Life, 1800 Wheelchair, Southwest Medical, and Medicare.

What kind of car lifts are used today?

There are several kinds of car lifts in operation today. Some of which are two post lifts, 4 post lifts, 4 post alignment lifts, inground lifts, mobile column lifts, short rise lifts, mid rise lifts and home garage lifts.

Where online could one purchase drywall lifts?

Someone can purchase drywall lifts from a number of companies online such as Amazon. Amazon has a large selection of drywall lifts from numerous companies.

Where can I find information on disabled chair lifts?

You can find out more information on stair lifts at several sites. These sites include, and

An Introductory Guide to Wheelchair Lifts?

It is hard to believe that it was only a few short decades ago that there were basically no automatic wheelchair lifts available for our society’s disabled citizens. Thanks to some recent advancements in modern technology there are now more types of wheelchair lifts available than ever, many of which are available to disabled citizens for free or at a substantial discount due to various state and federal programs, as well as the Americans with Disabilities Act, or ADA. Here is everything that you need to know about the different types of wheelchair lifts that are available to help disabled people lead normal, productive lives. One of the most common types of wheelchair lifts are automotive devices that are used to lift a person and his wheelchair from ground level so that he can easily enter a vehicle without assistance. There are two basic types of automotive wheelchair lifts available on the market: platform wheelchair lifts and rotary wheelchair lifts. Platform wheelchair lifts work by an automatic platform that extends from the vehicle, lowers itself down to ground level and then lifts the passenger into the vehicles. Rotary wheelchair lifts work by the use of a simple crane that lifts the passenger up and swings him into the vehicle. Rotary wheelchair lifts are often much easier to manipulate in tight spots but can only be installed on vans and minivans. Wheelchair lifts are also becoming more common as an alternative to the wheelchair ramp in order to allow disabled citizens a way to avoid both the ramp and the stairs with a simple automatic devices. Although these devices do require a little bit of maintenance, they are actually far more cost effective than installing wheelchair ramps in many situations. Additionally, they are much easier for disabled citizens to use and require far less logistical planning than long wheel chair ramps. These types of platform wheelchair lifts are currently most often used for residential buildings, but it appears likely that these lifts will continue to appear more regularly in commercial settings as more developers and disabled citizens recognize the convenience added by these devices.

Are home stair lifts worth the money?

Home stair lifts are worth the money, because they enable physically disabled people ascend a stairway easily. The alternative route would be a home elevator, which is much more expensive to install and operate.