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Q: What companies throw trash into the oceans?
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Related questions

What causes people to dump their waste in the ocean?

People might litter in the oceans because there is not bins to throw the trash away.

How does trash get into oceans?

trash gets into the ocean by people that just go and put their trash there.

What leads to air and ocean pollution?

What leads to the air is toxic, waste that comes from factories, and trash; this is because us humans don't recycle enough. We also throw trash were it doesn't belong known as littering and all the trash on the ground flies all the way to the oceans.

How do you dispose of waste that is not recycled?

You throw it in a trash bag... or if it is a food item that is able to degrade you make a compost bin and throw it in there.

How many pounds of cans are thrown in the oceans?

Perhaps billions, notice there is a law allowing countries to throw certain amount of trash in the ocean. FREE PALESTINE

Most trash in the US is buried instead of being dumped into the oceans However there is still trash in the oceans Why is this?

Because some is dumped in the ocean, obviously.

How is trash pollution happening?

people being to lazy to throw trash in the trash can and trash deposits over flowing

How do you dispose of eggs?

In the trash can or out the window

Is it thorough through though or tough the trash out?

None. It is 'throw' the trash out.

What did the ancient Egyptians do with their trash?

In Soviet Russia Trash throw you away

Where do you throw a dustbin?

In the trash bin.

How do you dispose of?

throw it away in the trash can