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The Boeing 747 is manufactured by Boeing Commercial Airplanes.

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8y ago

The Boeing 747 is manufactured by Boeing Commercial Airplanes.

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8y ago

Boeing assembles it, but they buy many of the parts in it from subcontractors.

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Q: What company made the Boeing 747?
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The name of a group who made Boeing 747?

It was made by the company... Boeing.

What company made the 747 jet aircraft?

The company is Boeing. Anyway the jet plane is called Boeing 747.

What company made the 747 and the new passenger jet?

The 747 was made by boeing.

Is the Boeing 747 a company?

The Boeing 747 is the largest aircraft manufactured by the the Boeing company. It is not a company. ----------------------------- Boeing is the main company manufacturing the 707 tothe 787 with all their variants.

Which company starting with B makes jet aircrafts such as 747 737?

Boeing Aircraft Company builds the 737 and 747.

Are Boeing 747 still being made?

The Boeing 747-400 and the Boeing 747-8 are still being made but the Boeing 747-100, -200 and -300 have been discontinued.

Who designed the Boeing 747?

the company that designed the Boeing 747 is the Boeing Comany. The lead of the design team was Joe Sutter.

What is the prarent company of 747?


Which company launched the Boeing 747?

If you mean who was the launch customer for the Boeing 747, that would have been Pan Am.

What is Boeing 747-400?

A Boeing 747-400 is the largest airplane that Boeing make. It has four engines and was designed in 1988. It is the second most recent Boeing 747 that Boeing have made.

Which year Boeing 747-made?

The first Boeing 747 flew in February 1969.

What company makes the 747 and the new 747 jet passenger?
