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Q: What completed its formation during the Permian period?
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What happened to earths continents during Permian period?

What happened to the earth's continents during permian period is pangea

Where was Virginia during the Permian Period?

During the Permian, Virginia was in the central part of the supercontinent Pangaea.

Insects thrived during which period?

Insects thrived during the Permian period. The Permian period lasted from 299 to 251 million years ago and it was between the Paleozoic and the Mesozoic periods.

What happened to the earth's continents during the Permian period?

What happened to the earth's continents during Permian Period is Pangea, Pangea is when the used to be one big super continent broke apart created our separate continents today.

What was the climate during the permian period?

During the Permian, all the continents were joined together in the supercontinent Pangaea, which was covered mostly by desert.

What life forms evolved during the Permian period?


What time period did dimetrodon and edaphosaurus?

Permian Period.

What were the dominant organisms living during the permian period?

a shark and a snail

What types of organisms existed during the permian period?

fish, insects.

What dangers will travelers face during the Permian period?

orange juice

Why are there such large salt deposite under Kansas?

There are large salt deposits under the state of Kansas due to the Wellington Formation deposited during the Permian Period, about 275 million years ago.

What danger might travelers face in permian period?

During the Permian period, travelers would face dangers that included violent earthquakes and dangerous reptiles. Also, volcanic eruptions could have caused the air to be deadly during this time period.