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It is called a food web ... at least that's what my science professor told me.


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Food Webs. :)

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Q: What complex feeding relationships are formed from overlaping and interconnected food chains?
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What is is the complex network of many interconnected food chains and feeding relationships?

All the interconnected feeding relationships in an ecosystem make up a food web. Food webs consist of many food chains.

All the interconnected feeding relationships in an ecosystem make up a food-?

All the interconnected feeding relationships in an ecosystem make up a food web. A herbivore is an organism that only consumes plants.

What interconnected feeding relationships in an ecosystem make up a food?


What is a network of complex interactions formed by the feeding relationships among the various organsims in an ecosystem?

complex feeding relationships are formed from overlapping and interconnected food chains

A model that shows a single sequence of feeding relationships is called a?

Its a food chain, a food web is a more complex model of feeding relationships.

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What is a more complete model of feeding relationships?

The food chain is a complete model of feeding relationships. It will show the feeding relationships between organisms in a community.

How are the feeding relationships of the mice different from the feeding relationships of the other organisms in this food web?

the feeding relationships of the mice different from feeding relationships of the other organisms in this food web because mice is a herbivore and eats plants and grass which is the same thing as a grasshopper and the rest is a carnivore and eats meat

What feeding relationship does the crabeater seal have?

What feeding relationships does the crabeater seal have

What is the of all the feeding relationships in a habitat called?

Feeding relationships in an ecosystem are both simplistic and complex at the same time. Green plants begin the relationship and are known as producers. Animals are known as consumers because they eat and process the green plants. Consumers can be primary or secondary and that can be broken down even further to tertiary and quaternary consumers.

What is a model of feeding relationship?

Both food webs and food chains are models of feeding relationships.

A chetah's feeding relationships?

ha ha sucker