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Odysseus compliments the bard's singing and storytelling skills, acknowledging his talent and ability to entertain the audience.

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Q: What compliment does Odysseus offer after his bards tale?
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Where can you play bards tale free?

you can play it online at, unfortunately you can't save your progress.

Who has asked Odysseus to tell his tale?

the phaeacians

What is the proper name for the tale of Odysseus's wanderings?

The correct title is "The Wanderings of Odysseus: The Story of the Odyssey" by Rosemary Sutcliff.

In book 9 of the odyssey the protagonist relates his tale using?

In Book 9 of the Odyssey, the protagonist, Odysseus, relates his tale using a storytelling technique called "in medias res," where he begins his story in the middle of his journey. He recounts his adventures to King Alcinous and the Phaeacians, who offer him hospitality in return. Through his storytelling, Odysseus reveals the challenges and trials he faced on his journey back home from the Trojan War.

What is the tale of Odysseus return home from the Trojan War?

The Odyssey by the Greek poet Homer .

Why is the Trojan War important to The Odyssey?

It set the scene for Odysseus to be returning to his home in Ithaca, and the perilous adventures which made up the tale of the Odyssey (story of Odysseus)

How does Princess Nausicaa help Odysseus Why How is Odysseus received by King Alcinous?

Princess Nausicaa helps Odysseus by providing him with clothing and guidance when he washes ashore in Phaeacia. Odysseus is received warmly by King Alcinous who offers him hospitality and listens to his tale of adventures. Alcinous decides to help Odysseus return home.

What was Odysseus' journey in The Odyssey?

Odysseus (also known as Ulysses) took part in the Trojan War. The Odyssey is the tale of his troublsome voyage home to Ithaka, which took 20 years.

What does Athena encourage Odysseus to do?

The Odyssey is the epic tale that tells us the story of brave Odysseus and his adventures. In this tale appears the Goddess Athena, she is the Goddess of wisdom and also the goddess of battle. She is in charge of helping the hero in the many problems he gets involved, although her support is from afar, since she doesn't participate directly in the action, but she always express her support for Odysseus and his resources.

Why does Odysseus have treasure when he returns home?

Odysseus comes back home charged with the treasures that King Alcinous of the Phaeacians gave him after he told him the wondrous tale of his trip and all the adventures he lived by the sea.

After the tale where is Odysseus sent in The Odyssey?

Odysseus went to Ithaca where he was traveling with the Phaeacians, when they dropped them on the island of Ithaca because Poseidon was mad that they were helping some one that he did not like. so they dropped him there!if you do some research you will find the answer!!

What tale does beggar tell Penelope?

The beggar tells Penelope a false story about meeting Odysseus and receiving news of his return. He claims to have met Odysseus and that he will soon return to reclaim his house and wife. Penelope later tests the beggar by asking for details about Odysseus, which the beggar fails to provide accurately.