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The answer depends on what you mean by "compondents". The word is not recognised.

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Q: What compondents is francium found in?
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Who was francium found by?

Francium was found by Marguerite Derey of the Curie Institute of France in 1939.

Was francium found in air?

Francium doesn't exist in air.

What family is francium found in?

Francium is a member of the alkali metals family.

Where is francium found and how is it obtained?

Natural francium exist in uranium and thorium ores.Artificial francium is obtained in particle accelerators.

Why is Francium from France?

Francium is not exclusively found in France, but rather, it is found throughout the Earth in extremely small quantities. Francium was discovered by a French scientist, Marguerite Perey.

Where is francium found and how can you gather it?

Francium exist in uranium and thorium ores but it is not exploitable.

What are the properties of francium?

francium is commonly found as hard rock unless it comes from gravestones

What minerals in francium found with?

Francium exist in infinitesimal concentrations in uranium and thorium ores.

What year was the element francium found?

It was found in 1939.

Is francium found in earth?

It is estimated that only approx. 30 g francium exist on the Earth.

Is Francium found underwater?

In the nature francium exists only in infinitesimal amounts and because of this, it is considered generally an artificial element. Francium reacts with water.

Where can francium can be found on earth and in what form?

Francium exist in uranium and thorium ores; the chemical form is not known.