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Q: What compound does food contain if it turns black when tested with iodine?
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What is starch tested for?

Iodine solution turns blue/black

What is the reason paper turns black when iodine touches it?

When iodine touches starch it turns black. The paper may contain starch.

How does starch when mixed with iodine solution turns blue black formula?

Probable a complex beta amylose (a compound from starch)-iodine is formed.

Why do fallen leaves not turn blue black on being tested with iodine?

When the leaves fall down the supply of chlorophyll is stopped

Why do fallen Leaves not turn blue-black on being tested with iodine?

When the leaves fall down the supply of chlorophyll is stopped

What substance is used to test for starch?

The presence of starch can be tested with the help of Iodine. Similarly Benedict's test solution is also used to detect the presence of starch.

What colour changes where observed with each food tested with iodine?

It change from orange/brown colour to blue/black if starch is present

What are the ingredients in a cattle salt lick?

Blue blocks contain NaCl (table salt), Cobalt and Iodine. Red blocks contain Salt, Iron and Iodine. Brown blocks contain Salt, Cobalt, Iodine, Iron, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Molybdenum, Potassium and Magnesium (guessing on the last two minerals) Black blocks contain everything that the brown blocks do, plus Selenium.

Does paper contain carbon?

Yes, paper comes from trees, and trees are plants, and all plants contain cellulose, it's what makes up the cell wall for plants.

How is iodine used in photography?

it is used in the compound silver iodide and it reflects the light. it is essentially the basis of black and white photography.

Why isn't starch present when colour is light brown?

The Iodine test uses Iodine solution, which is usually a brown colour. It is used to test for the presence of Starch. Iodine solution, iodine dissolved in an aqueous solution of potassium iodide, reacts with starch producing a blue black color. If the sample being tested doesn't turn blue-black, then starch isn't present.

Rahul picked up a dry leaf from the school garden and try doing iodine test he observed that the colour of iodine did not turn blue or black can you explain why?

because the leaf doesnot contain starch in it