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Chlorophyll is the compound in plants that makes photosynthesis possible. It has a unique structure that allows it to lose electrons easily when it gets excited by energy. This is where the conversion from light energy to chemical energy begins.

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Q: What compound in plants makes photosynthesis possible?
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What key compound makes photosynthesis in green plants possible?

Chlorophyll makes photosynthesis possible young chap.

Can photosynthesis turn plants green?

No, photosynthesis does not turn plants green. Photosynthesis uses light to create glucose and oxygen with carbon dioxide and water. Plants are green due to the chlorophyll found inside them. It is the chlorophyll that makes photosynthesis possible.

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How might photosynthesis help flourish life on earth?

Oxygen is the main component of carbon dioxide, which plants use in photosynthesis. Oxygen is a by-product of photosynthesis. Oxygen is the element that makes most life, plant and animal, possible on Earth. So, photosynthesis not only helps life to flourish. For most organisms, it makes life possible.

Why does chloroplast are present in plants?

That is carry out photosynthesis. It makes food in plants

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What makes plants green in photosynthesis?


Organisms that makes food by photosynthesis?

Algae, plants, and cyanobacteria.

What has to happen for photosynthesis to occur?

Plants take in sunlight and carbon dioxide and it makes photosynthesis

Is development part of a plants photosynthesis?

yeah because photosynthesis makes food for the plant.

How do plants make energy not photosynthesis for the world?

you can burn plants, and fire can be used to boil water to run a turbine. with photosynthesis: photosynthesis makes glucose, which is used for energy in animals and people that eat the plants

What plants are involved in photosynthesis?

All plants, some protists, bacteria and blue green algae uses the sun to make photosynthesis. Plants use photosynthesis to create energy that then makes sugar for nutrient.