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The compound word formed by combining "check," "note," and "text" is "checknote" or "checknotetext."

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Q: What compound word does check note and text make?
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public class MyClass() {private String text;public MyClass(String text) {// Note the use of this to clarify which text object you are referring to.this.text = text;}}

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only if they are in Peru1st you shuld get the #next check to make sure they are in Perulast text away

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fo in text talk usually means f*** off. sometimes people make their own text talk that nobody else knows what it means. check if f*** off fits into the sentence that was sent to you.

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Example: If (my.textbox1.text = my.textbox2.text) Then ...

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definitely do it over facebook or text! edit: or get one of your friends to write a note saying "you're dumped. _____" on the _____ get them to put your name and then show the person the note, but tell them not not to let them keep it.