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Computer games not for learning

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Q: What computer games have negative effects on young people?
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Foreign and local literature of effects of computer online games?

The foreign and local literature of effects of computer online games has led to the advancement of these computer games.

What are the effects of computer games in the youth ages12-18 years old please answer?

Computer games have different effects on youth ages. Some children can become even smarter while playing different video games and as far as negative effects, there are some cases where children could become anti-social or develop bad behavior. The best thing to do is monitor the time that the children spend on the computer.

What are the negative and positive impact of computer on business?

posative: faster, looks nicer on presintations, easier to do work on negative: people can play games on the internet

Does computer have a negative influence on people?

I would say that PC's do definitely have a negative effect on people, Not only do they provide A very enticing cover for crooks, but they also luer people who would not normally be crooks to do things they would normally not have the courage to do.

What is the missing word: The benefits of computer games _____ the negative aspects?


What are the positive and negative effects video games have on students in America today?

it's Elmo

Negative effects of games?

if u mean internet games then,addiction to games,wastage of time,study is effected.if physical games,some ppl cannot face defeat.

What are the positive and negative effects of computers?

NEGATIVE: they eat time (goofing off) they make it really easy for bad people to find the ones they want to hurt they scar small children they leads to cyber crimes through Internet POSITIVE: the learning is endless talking to more people seeing more thoughts on the world SPELL CHECK! it makes tasks very easy

Can computer games make you dumb?

If you don't miss out school and other activities than no. Computer Games also contribute to different skills.

How many people don't like playing computer games?

There are many people who do not like playing computer games, nor even going on a computer. Its impossible to count how many people are like this.

The benefits of computer games the negative aspects. benefit lopside contradict are outweigh beat?


What are the good effects of computer games?

They can help de-stress you and help with hand eye coordination