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That its wrong (false).

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Q: What conclusion can you draw about a hypothesis if repeated trial do not support the hypothesis?
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How do Aboriginals know what bugs are poisonous?

Trial and error, hypothesis and conclusion, memory and lore.

Why must hypothesis before you do experiment?

because hypothesis is a trial idea

What is the meaning of trial?

In terms of science, a trial is when a scientist begins testing whatever hypothesis he or she is investigating. The scientist will then study the data obtained, and determine whether or not the original hypothesis needs to be changed.

What is a trial explanation you can test by a well planned experiment?

A Hypothesis

What process do scientists use to answer questions?

a trial. sometimes called a clinical trial.

What is a trial explanation that you can test by a well-planned experiment?

A Hypothesis

How can you explain the meaning of experiment?

A trial and error way of answering a hypothesis.

What does repeated trial meanscience?

in science it means to do it again and again to see the results

What happens when the data in an investigation do not support the original hypothisis?

Sometimes results of a particular experiment do not match our hypothesis. Most of the time in such a case hypothesis is modified to agree to the experimental data. Another approach can be repeating the same experiment again and comparing the the values form the second trial to the first one.

The differences of hypothesis and fortune telling?

Hypothesis means you have theory you want to prove and you either prove or disprove through professional clinical trial. Fortune telling is when someone foretells the future.

What does the jury do duing trial?

They sit and listen to the proceedings to enable them to give a finding after the conclusion of the court hearing.

What is the meaning of getting the same results on repeated trials?

If you repeat the experiment and you get different results, then the accuracy of your first trial is not correct.