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Q: What condition can cause adenosclerosis?
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An organic condition is a condition or disease that has an identifiable organic cause, meaning that it is caused by a dysfunction of an organ or enzyme system. This is in contrast to a psychiatric or functional condition, in which there is no identifiable cause found for the condition.

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Clubfoot is a condition a person is born with, it does not develop during puberty.

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Decrease in heart rate

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IBS is more of a psychological condition rather than a physical condition. So no - it shouldn't cause anaemia. If you have anaemia caused by a gastrointestinal condition then it must be something other than IBS.

Why is Huntington's disorder called an inherited condition?

Because the recessive genes that cause the condition are inherited from the parents of the sufferer.

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It is not unheard of that a condition like hives can coincide with a flare up in arthritic condition's,

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unclean; which equal a likely cause of disease.

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you get blood in your anus

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